Modernisation and retrofitting of your extraction system

We upgrade and convert your exhaust extraction system: affordably and quickly

Blaschke exhaust gas extraction systems set themselves apart through high performance and a long service life. Many of our systems have been operating hard daily for more than 20 years.

Has a Blaschke extraction system been working reliably and pleasantly fault-free in your maintenance hall, your fire station or workshop for years? That, of course, makes us happy.

However: Again and again, the regulations on occupational safety (Work station Guidelines – ASR) are updated and improved. Other legal framework conditions also change. And most important: Modern extraction systems usually work more economically and conveniently.

We convert and upgrade systems of every type and every model.

Also if it is not a system from Blaschke Umwelttechnik. In a modernisation or retrofitting of your existing system, we replace out-dated system parts with new components, check the functionality and put the system back into operation. Naturally compliant to all applicable regulations. You benefit from an improved extraction capacity and reduced operating costs.

Our tip: Modernising the system and gaining the benefits

  • An extraction system in the latest stage of development
  • Conformity with the current standards and regulations
  • Improved extraction capacity & handling
  • Reduction of operating costs
  • Quality made by Blaschke