This article is not about exhaust extraction systems, but…
Even if elementary education in Haiti is compulsory, there is a big lack of schools and teachers. Especially in rural areas children’s school education depends on the parents private initiatives. Our colleague Lefene who comes from Haiti knows this situation all too well. He also knows that school education is about enabling people to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their own lives. He therefore decided to become involved with the school in his birthplace. In the past months, with the help of Monika and the donations of friends, colleagues and the CEO of Blaschke Umwelttechnik, he contributed to repair the school house, to pay the teachers and to provide essential teaching materials. What started as a private project has now become a nonprofit association. Schulprojekt-Haiti-Direkt e.V. aims to offer the children of Lefene’s birthplace the opportunity to attend regularly school.
Schulprojekt-Haiti-Direkt e.V. is also looking forward to your support!